Baby wearing

June 27, 2012

Eloise LOVES to be worn in wraps and baby carriers. So when her big sister received a baby doll wrap for her birthday, it was quickly a source of conflict.

Today, however, big sister is at school. And Lou has the wrap all to herself!





June 22, 2012

The kids were so excited about their first broccoli that they started literally jumping up and down!




Zona Rosa

June 22, 2012

Mama took the kiddos to Zona Rosa for fountains and music. They were in heaven!


Tree Monkeys!

June 18, 2012

Lately, this is their favorite activity!





We are back!

June 17, 2012

Downloaded the WordPress App on my phone! So I can actually update the family blog again!

Here are a few recent photos!






More little things

June 17, 2012

After a LONG hiatus, I’m going to try to get the blog going again. No pictures right now….they are all downloaded on Matt’s computer. And he’s CRAZY busy.

Here, however, are a few little stories I want to remember and share.

1. Jonah has taken to sleeping with our shirts — whichever one we’ve worn that day. He begs for them, holds them up to his nose, inhales deeply and sighs, ‘It smell like you.”

2. He’s taken to making up songs on the piano. The latest were titled, “animal stampede,” “animal walking,” and “two people very far apart in life.” The songs are just a few notes, usually slammed down as hard as possible with his wrists, fists or fingers. I love his titles and his creativity.

3. Jonah is settling in as well as could be expected at preschool. He has never been a very social little guy, so he spends most of his time following around the teachers. The first day, he cried a lot. So did I. The second day, was worse and the third was pure torture. He actually ran after me and the teacher had to scoop him up. But the fourth day…I left shaking my head about how easily he’d said goodbye. I couldn’t quite believe it. There are still a few tears here and there — we’re three weeks in — but overall we’ve been very happy. The sixth day, when I picked him up, he shook with excitement in his car seat and announced proudly, “I like preschool.”

4. Emery is little Miss Friendly these days — unless someone tries to touch her. She loudly calls out “Hi” to just about anybody she sees. Once at the doctor’s office, she made me backtrack down the hall to say hello to a woman who looked terribly sad. Emery smiled, said hi and actually lurched for her when the elderly woman came in close. It was as if she was saying, “Here! Hold me! It will make everything better.” The lady couldn’t hold her but she said that Em’s smile had made her day.

5. Emery is constantly chattering — new words on coming out daily. But most of the time, she just says “doebee, doebee, dobee,” over and over again. In this adorable, teeny little voice. She even says it when she’s trying to pick up something heavy (which is as often as she can) but it comes out in this strained voice. So funny.

6. So far, Emery is quite the tomboy. She loves cars, bugs and dinosaurs. Love it. Last week, she ate a worm — well, pieces of a worm — before I could stop her. Kept exclaiming, “Num! Num!” and trying to scarf more.

6. Jonah and Emery have quite the love/hate relationship. Most of the time, they both hate each other. About 10 percent of the time, he loves her and she hates him. About 10 percent of the time, she loves him and he hates her. And just about 2 percent of the time, their moods coincide and they love each other at the same time. Those moments are absolute bliss. Here’s hoping they come around more often. 🙂